rev. July 21st, 2016
If support dies the type will truely become an antique type with parts only available from scrapped airplanes or made by hand. The number of airworthy Navions will quickly decline to the point where no commercial support is possible. At that point the only Navions flying will in collections and the type will end it's life as a working GA type. That day may come but I will fight it to the end.
If you know of a Navion resource I've missed please let me know. I'd be happy to add it. - Bill Putney
American Navion Society - Membership
information, contact info for parts and help. If you own or fly a Navion you
should join ANS. We really need to keep this resource alive and well.
Navion Aircraft International - NAI is the current Type Certificate holder for the Navion type. NAI holds a PMA for new Navion parts, makes FAA approved repairs and modifications and has all of the current type technical data.
Rip Quinby's Site
- Rip has "Verified" Shop Tips and other cool stuff.
The Navion Mail Group Signup. - This is a great source for Navion chatter.
Ken McTavish's Twin Navion Site
- This is devoted to all things Riley and Camair. A really great site if you're
into twins (and who isn't?).