May 30, 2002

Hello Golden Gate Navioneers,

     The May fly in at Carson City turned out to be a drive in. We had 0 Navions 3 cars and 6 people. Those in attendance were the Curry's, Roice's and Wurzer's. The weather was nice and we all got together for a very nice dinner at one restaurant and breakfast at a different one in the same hotel. Howard had Ham & Eggs and the Ham covered his whole plate. The hotel is new and the bathrooms were bright and shinny and we had a very nice time. So much for overnight trips.

     The next Fly in is on SUNDAY JUNE 23RD AT WOODLAND WATTS (O41)Lunch will be at the Yolo Flyers Club which is right next to the Airport and an easy walk. Note! You must wear a collard shirt. No "T" shirts allowed. There will be a $1.50 per person set up fee in addition to the price of your lunch. Please arrive by 11:.30 so you can get to the restaurant by 12:00 and note that this is a Sunday as opposed to the usual Saturday Fly in.

     Hugh Smith has competed the arrangements for our September Fly in at Grants Pass Oregon  on the 13th 14th and 15th. This trip includes arrival about noon on Friday  at the Josephine Co. Airport (3S8) and departure on Sunday.  The Riverside hotel will pick us up for transport to town (approx. five miles).  Saturday the 14th we have scheduled a jet boat trip down the Rogue river through rapids and great scenery with a stop on the return for diner at a hillside restaurant overlooking the river. This is really a fun trip and costs $43.00 per person including diner and gratuity. These boats are big and seat 40 or 50 people and they go fast. They do suggest a $1.00 or $2.00 tip for the pilot. We would like to get a count on the  number of people going on the boat ride by August 15 because we have to make a deposit.  The rooms at the Riverside Inn cost $89.00 a night. Everyone must make their own reservations and be sure to tell them you are with the Golden Gate Navioneers. The sooner the better, but no later than Aug. 30.  The number is (541) 476-6873 or 800-334-4567.

     We have arranged most of the details for the October Fly in at McClellan Air Park and the museum. This is a huge ex military field recently made a public airport. There is no tower so it will be unicom  with the fixed base operator (CTAF: 122.85). I was there last week to go through the B-17 and B-24. You should be able squeeze in there with a 10,500 Ft. X 200 Ft. Runway. Lunch will be at the Lionsgate hotel  on the field.

     The schedule for the rest of the year is pretty much settled except July which we may leave open unless we get a brainstorm. It looks like this.

Month Day Location Comment
June 23rd Woodland / Watts Yolo Flyers Club. No "T" Shirts
July TBD Undecided  
August 17th Concord Details later

13th &

Grants Pass Oregon Overnight, Jet boat ride & Dinner
October TBD Sacramento McClellan McClellan airplane museum
December TBD Alamo Woman's Club Christmas Party


Your President for 2002

Lee Wurzer
18857 Norlene Way
Grass valley, Ca. 95949
(530) 272-5697

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