Hello Golden Gate Navioneers                                                                                                Feb. 9, 2002

     We had a very nice Christmas party  in December. The drinks served up by Howard Curry were very good, the bull session with old friends was enjoyable, the dinner was excellent, the result of the election was not.  Somehow, over my objections, I was elected to be president for this year.
     Dennis Dooley was named the Golden Gate Navioneer of the year and was the winner of the Bob Button Memorial Trophy. Good going Dennis. This trophy is awarded to the member who has the best attendance and who helps set up events and participates in contests or races. We need members to support the club activities.

     The first fly-in this year will be at  SONOMA COUNTY, SANTA ROSA (STS) SATURDAY MARCH 2nd  2002 . Please arrive by 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be at Sellini’s Grille on the Airport.

     Following is a preliminary schedule for the year. Subject to change and successful arrangements.

Month Location Comment
April Amador county / Westover Sutter Creek
May Carson City, Nevada Overnight Sat. Sun.
June Woodland / Watts Yolo Flyers Club
July Chester Lake Almanor/ Overnight
August Concord or Pine Mtn. Lake Details later
September   Grants Pass Oregon Overnight, Jet boat ride
October Sacramento Exec or McClellan Sac. Old town or McClellan airplane museum
December Alamo Womans Club Christmas Party

      Notice I did not include Bakersfield which has been our big event for many years and I always liked. In recent years since the restaurant on the field went bad we have had  poor turnouts and many people have said we should quit having our fly-in there. Without transportation we are pretty much confined to the field. I also skipped a few months since people are losing interest in so many fly-ins just for lunch. I would welcome any comments or suggestions.

     We  also started sending the newsletter by “E” mail to everyone who has given us an  address. If you received this by snail mail and have “E” mail send us your address.

     The annual dues of  $25.00 for 2002 is now due. Anyone that has not paid please send check to my address (below)  made out to the “Golden Gate Navioneers”.

Your President for 2002                    
Lee Wurzer                                                            “E” mail    lwurzer@infostations.com          
18857 Norlene Way
Grass Valley, Ca. 95949
(530) 272-5697